
青岛是2008北京奥运会和第13届残奥会帆船比赛举办城市,是中国帆船之都, 亚洲最佳航海城,世界啤酒之城、联合国“电影之都” 、全国首批沿海开放城市、全国文明城市、中国最具幸福感城市。被誉为“东方瑞士”欧韵之都 、“中国品牌之都”称号。

Qingdao is the host city of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 13th Paralympic Games. It is the sailing capital of China, the best Sailing City in Asia, the world beer city, the "film capital" of the United Nations, the first batch of coastal open cities in China, the national civilized city and the happiest city in China. It is known as "Eastern Switzerland" European Rhyme Capital and "China Brand Capital".

青岛是国际海洋科研教育中心,驻有山东大学(青岛)、中国海洋大学等高校26所。引进清华大学、北京大学等29所高校。青岛的异域建筑种类繁多,被称作“万国建筑博览会”。八大关建筑群荣膺“中国最美城区”称号。 2018年重新确认国家卫生城市。

Qingdao is an International Center for marine scientific research and education. It has 26 universities including Shandong University (Qingdao) and China Ocean University. Twenty-nine universities including Tsinghua University and Peking University were introduced. There are many kinds of foreign buildings in Qingdao, which is called "World Architecture Exposition". Badaguan Architectural Complex is honored as "the most beautiful urban area in China". The National Health City was reconfirmed in 2018.



Responsible Editor: Zhang Xu

作者 张旭

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